
Welcome...What does quality of life mean to you?

Quality of life should not be confused with the concept of standard of living, or improving life through neoliberal means. Quality of life is really about our general health and well-being...  
Of course this means different things to people. Some spend a whole life without thinking too much about it or working it out. We often forget about our sense of balance, purpose or motivations. For instance, we can go to work and from then on think nothing of why we are there, get all stressed out or leave the office. Maybe it is not that bad, but awareness, attention and presence play a crucial part in all that we do in the great puzzle of life... 
Think on it...
Think about how consciousness helps to make seasons brighter, improve the work you do and life you live. Do you ever examine your mindset and what that means in your life? Can you hear your private and public Self think? Do you feel present and vibrantly alive? Or is your mind often hiking somewhere, thinking about things you could have done, or what you would like to do when you are done with what you are doing now? Whether we hate or love it, we often get caught in mindless spins or thinking loops (without moving on). With mindfulness we can learn to build awareness, stop over-thinking everything, love and perform better, find happiness and peace of mind.. and more... Still scratching your head about the pain or gain? 
There you go... It is life...and some of what mindfulness is about.
 Much more mindfulness, right and below....
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